Anka Leśniak

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WORKS 2021

In Process

site-specific artwork, performance, video, objects

Symposium: It was, It is, It will be, The Palace in Morawa
organiser: Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław
curators: Magdalena Grzybowska, Anna Bujak, Marek Sienkiewicz

The starting point for my action was a place after the 19th-century chapel, located in the park of the Palace in Morawa. The chapel no longer exists, but its architectural details can be found in the park surrounding the palace, and the portal elements have been "integrated" into the outbuilding at the nearby hippodrome. The chapel building survived the war. It was gradually stolen and dismantled only during the communist period. There are also various speculations connected with the chapel, e.g. that in the basement of the chapel still hidden works of art looted from Polish museums during World War II.

In Process In Process In Process
In Process In Process In Process

This only abandoned and neglected place, near the Palace restored to its former glory by the daughters of its pre-war German owners, provoked me to a series of "gardening and performance" activities. They ended with an action during which, in the costume of "Priestess-Witch", I placed stones with the words in Polish WIESZ / NIE / WIERZ (know / don't / believe) on the foundations of the former chapel. The stones can be moved freely therefore changing the meaning of a sentence. The video documents the process of symbolic revitalization of the place and tells the story of the chapel.

Chapel - Installation site-specific installation site-specific installation site-specific
installation site-specific installation site-specific installation site-specific

site-specific installation

Special thanks to Mr. Czesław Michałowski and his company for engraving the letters in stone.

site-specific performance site-specific performance site-specific performance
site-specific performance site-specific performance isite-specific performance
site-specific performance site-specific performance isite-specific performance

performance - video stills

The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills
The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills
The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills The Chapel video stills

The Chapel video screen The Chapel video screen The Chapel video screen

The Chapel - video stills and presentation in the Morawa Palace