Anka Leśniak

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WORKS 2021

Please Remember

Please Remember
video-performance / performance for camera

PAN Asia 21 / Performance Art Network Asia
Infinite Live Hive
Mokpo, South Korea, 2021

Whiffling, group exhibition
The Důl Michal Gallery, Ostrava
Czech Republic, 2022

The performance piece addresses recent political and social events in Poland, including the tightening of anti-abortion laws, the illegal pushback of refugees to the Belarus border, and the obstruction of humanitarian aid by Polish authorities. The rise of populist and nationalist movements is also evident in other European countries. However, in Poland, due to historical factors, the rhetoric of "national liberation" and military patriotism — backed by the authority of the Catholic Church, which is increasingly leaning toward religious fanaticism — finds a more receptive audience. This creates a dangerous yet grotesque mixture.

Please Remember performance Please Remember performance Please Remember performance
Please Remember performance Please Remember performance Please Remember performance

The colours, gestures, and symbols I use in my performance reflect the abuse and appropriation of national symbols, as well as the way the pandemic has been exploited to implement violent policies. They also express my emotional state as both an artist and a Polish woman facing the unfolding events in domestic politics, as well as watching the reports and comments of foreign media about my country, in which I reflect like I am in a mirror.